North Dakota: Theodore Roosevelt National Park

The park is in western North Dakota where visitors experience the rugged Badlands, the Great Plains, and the Little Missouri River. President Theodore Roosevelt’s time in this land helped shape his ideas for conserving wild areas. He lived in the Maltese Cross Cabin in the South Unit area that also includes the colorful Painted Canyon. 

Theodore Roosevelt National Park’s artwork showcases the broad landscapes of the Badlands, cannonball rock formations, wild bison, and a historic cabin.

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Theodore Roosevelt Nat...

$95 $2,200

This is the Maltese Cross Cabin, which was relocated near the park headquarters in the South Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National park. This was a temporary home for Theodore Roosevelt while he was ...

Theodore Roosevelt Nat...

$95 $2,200

Badlands of Theodore Roosevelt National Park-South Unit

Theodore Roosevelt Nat...

$95 $2,200

These are the Cannonball Creations rock formations in the North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

Tatanka and Teddy

$95 $2,000

Tatanka, the Lakota word for Bison. They freely roam Theodore Roosevelt National Park. If not for the foresight of Teddy Roosevelt, the American bison could have become extinct.